做事情抓住灵感效率高Seizing inspiration and high efficiency in doing things

2周前 (05-21) 0 点赞 0 收藏 0 评论 1 已阅读

今天下午十二点多吃完午饭,就想看八下英语做题,于是就立即拿起全解书开始看,接着前面把第四单元看完了做题还错的不多,就是汉译英填空错了几个,其他都全对!后边又一路狂奔,一口气把第五单元攻克了三分之二,简直爽极了!要不是有朋友来了说话,我会一下看完。刚才把剩下的那一点看了再剩下题未做!今下午读书就是爽!  要知道第四单元已经拖延两周了,要么没有时间要么看不进去。今后做事要抓住灵感,灵感来了办事效率高!

After finishing lunch at around 12 pm this afternoon, I wanted to read English exercises for eight times. So I immediately picked up a complete solution book and started reading. I finished reading Unit 4 earlier and did not make many mistakes in the exercises, except for a few mistakes in filling in the blanks in the Chinese English translation. Everything else was correct! After another sprint, he conquered two-thirds of the fifth unit in one breath, which was absolutely amazing! If it weren't for a friend coming to talk, I would have finished reading it in one go. I just looked at the remaining point and didn't do the remaining questions! Reading this afternoon is great! You should know that the fourth unit has been delayed for two weeks, either there is no time or you cannot read it. In the future, we should seize inspiration when doing things. When inspiration comes, efficiency is high!


Summary: In the future, when reading, if you encounter something you don't know, don't worry about it. Wait until you have finished reading it as a whole, and then look it up later. This way, it is more efficient,! Strong over all sense!



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